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About Us


Evans said the poll "points to the fact that we are on the verge of a national mental health crisis.",

coach image

I’m Bronwen Pierson, Founder of the Gen Z Antistress Revolution and App creator. As a former attorney and stress addict myself, it’s heartbreaking to empathize with the toll stress is taking on such a young generation. You don’t grow out of being stressed – it becomes a habit and then surfaces as chronic health issues and possibly a midlife crisis.

When I was practicing law, I didn’t know I had a choice in how I was feeling. When a deadline was approaching, I was working on a difficult case, I made a mistake, or my client had an undesirable outcome, my reaction was to feel stressed. I was always trying to keep up not only in my job but as a mother, wife, friend, daughter, sister, exerciser, healthy eater and fun-seeker. I felt constant pressure, guilt and the nagging feeling that I was spreading myself too thin. It took a toll on my emotional and physical health.

Compared to everything that I was juggling at the time, Gen Z is juggling more earlier. Everything is more today from consumerism to social media to climate change. My 18 year-old son was just trying to make a reservation to tent out somewhere in Maine, and he couldn’t make heads or tails out of the explosion of results he found on the internet. When I was his age, I took out a map and drove to a picture of a tent. Simple.

Their world is filled with complexity, yet many Gen Z have less experience with navigating it because our society has become one of convenience. Regardless of the explanations for Gen Z stress, it exists and isn’t leading anywhere good. They are suffering at an early age.

The good news is that brain science has exploded and is teaching us that we do have a choice in how we react to life, but in order to see the choice and follow through with it we need help.

The Antistress Revolution is committed to teaching Gen Z how to see the choice and choose the antistress option through the support of social media and the coaching method in our app.

I realized that the law wasn’t my path, and I became a health and life coach. I developed this coaching method as a practical, in the moment tool to build emotional intelligence skills. Stress doesn’t have to accompany our ability to navigate our daily lives. We can live more productive, happier and healthier lives by growing together. Any age can support their own antistress abilities and in doing so will strengthen the Revolution!

Join the Revolution on social media #genZunite